2022年3月10日、C01班が国際ワークショップ「Aari Language of Omotic family: Understanding the Recognition of Materiality and Environment」を共同開催します

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  3. 2022年3月10日、C01班が国際ワークショップ「Aari Language of Omotic family: Understanding the Recognition of Materiality and Environment」を共同開催します

International workshop on Aari Language of Omotic family: Understanding the Recognition of Materiality and Environment

開催日時:2022年3月10日 17:00-19:00



主催:JSPS Scientific Research Fund-B on Reconsidering the Concept of Waste and Formation of Materiality in Africa [No.18H03444]; Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for Transformative Research Areas(A) “Lifelong sciences: Reconceptualization of development and aging in the super aging society “[No.20H05806]; IAfP program in Kyoto University; SATREPS-MNGD[JPMJSA1807]; Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University.
