伏木香織. 2021. 石井みどりの《ビルマ・プエ》- 南方慰問と南方系演目の成立. 大正大學研究紀要106: 186-206. Izumika, R., Cabeza, R., Tsukiura, T. Neural mechanisms of memory for facial expressions in young and older adults, Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2021 Virtual Meeting, USA, 14 March 2021 (online). Cho, M., Tsukiura, T. Dissociable neural mechanisms between temporal and spatial contexts in episodic memory for context-rich scenes, Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2021 Virtual Meeting, USA, 14 March 2021. 松井三枝,認知機能からみたこころの健康へのアプローチ:予防とレジリエンスのためにー, 第10回金沢大学認知科学シンポジウム, 金沢, 2021年3月5日(ハイブリッド). 松井三枝, 脳損傷患者における認知機能研究, 日本認知心理学会第18回大会, 金沢, 2021年3月4日. (オンライン). Katsumi, Y., Kondo, N., Dolcos, S., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Intrinsic functional network contributions to the relationship between trait empathy and subjective happiness. NeuroImage 227: 117650. Sugimoto, H., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Memory of my victory and your defeat: Contributions of reward- and memory-related regions to the encoding of winning events in competitions with others. Neuropsychologia 152: 107733. Kaneko, M., Suzuki, N. ZAIRAICHI [Local Knowledge] of Health Care in Africa and the Potential of Engaged Area Studies, International Workshop on Medical-Zairaichi, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network, Kyoto, Japan, 7 February 2021 (online). Kurata, M. Anthropological Study on the Generation and Transformation of the Lifelong Relationships between Humans and Things, International Research Forum of African Studies: The Role of on-site Research for Innovation & STEM education, Kyoto, Japan, 7-9 February 2021 (online). 増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 上田敬太, 生方志浦, 村井俊哉, 月浦崇, びまん性軸索損傷による未来思考の障害機序, 第32回東北神経心理懇話会, 仙台, 2021年2月6日(オンライン). Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ
Izumika, R., Cabeza, R., Tsukiura, T. Neural mechanisms of memory for facial expressions in young and older adults, Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2021 Virtual Meeting, USA, 14 March 2021 (online). Cho, M., Tsukiura, T. Dissociable neural mechanisms between temporal and spatial contexts in episodic memory for context-rich scenes, Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2021 Virtual Meeting, USA, 14 March 2021. 松井三枝,認知機能からみたこころの健康へのアプローチ:予防とレジリエンスのためにー, 第10回金沢大学認知科学シンポジウム, 金沢, 2021年3月5日(ハイブリッド). 松井三枝, 脳損傷患者における認知機能研究, 日本認知心理学会第18回大会, 金沢, 2021年3月4日. (オンライン). Katsumi, Y., Kondo, N., Dolcos, S., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Intrinsic functional network contributions to the relationship between trait empathy and subjective happiness. NeuroImage 227: 117650. Sugimoto, H., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Memory of my victory and your defeat: Contributions of reward- and memory-related regions to the encoding of winning events in competitions with others. Neuropsychologia 152: 107733. Kaneko, M., Suzuki, N. ZAIRAICHI [Local Knowledge] of Health Care in Africa and the Potential of Engaged Area Studies, International Workshop on Medical-Zairaichi, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network, Kyoto, Japan, 7 February 2021 (online). Kurata, M. Anthropological Study on the Generation and Transformation of the Lifelong Relationships between Humans and Things, International Research Forum of African Studies: The Role of on-site Research for Innovation & STEM education, Kyoto, Japan, 7-9 February 2021 (online). 増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 上田敬太, 生方志浦, 村井俊哉, 月浦崇, びまん性軸索損傷による未来思考の障害機序, 第32回東北神経心理懇話会, 仙台, 2021年2月6日(オンライン). Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ
Cho, M., Tsukiura, T. Dissociable neural mechanisms between temporal and spatial contexts in episodic memory for context-rich scenes, Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2021 Virtual Meeting, USA, 14 March 2021. 松井三枝,認知機能からみたこころの健康へのアプローチ:予防とレジリエンスのためにー, 第10回金沢大学認知科学シンポジウム, 金沢, 2021年3月5日(ハイブリッド). 松井三枝, 脳損傷患者における認知機能研究, 日本認知心理学会第18回大会, 金沢, 2021年3月4日. (オンライン). Katsumi, Y., Kondo, N., Dolcos, S., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Intrinsic functional network contributions to the relationship between trait empathy and subjective happiness. NeuroImage 227: 117650. Sugimoto, H., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Memory of my victory and your defeat: Contributions of reward- and memory-related regions to the encoding of winning events in competitions with others. Neuropsychologia 152: 107733. Kaneko, M., Suzuki, N. ZAIRAICHI [Local Knowledge] of Health Care in Africa and the Potential of Engaged Area Studies, International Workshop on Medical-Zairaichi, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network, Kyoto, Japan, 7 February 2021 (online). Kurata, M. Anthropological Study on the Generation and Transformation of the Lifelong Relationships between Humans and Things, International Research Forum of African Studies: The Role of on-site Research for Innovation & STEM education, Kyoto, Japan, 7-9 February 2021 (online). 増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 上田敬太, 生方志浦, 村井俊哉, 月浦崇, びまん性軸索損傷による未来思考の障害機序, 第32回東北神経心理懇話会, 仙台, 2021年2月6日(オンライン). Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ
松井三枝,認知機能からみたこころの健康へのアプローチ:予防とレジリエンスのためにー, 第10回金沢大学認知科学シンポジウム, 金沢, 2021年3月5日(ハイブリッド). 松井三枝, 脳損傷患者における認知機能研究, 日本認知心理学会第18回大会, 金沢, 2021年3月4日. (オンライン). Katsumi, Y., Kondo, N., Dolcos, S., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Intrinsic functional network contributions to the relationship between trait empathy and subjective happiness. NeuroImage 227: 117650. Sugimoto, H., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Memory of my victory and your defeat: Contributions of reward- and memory-related regions to the encoding of winning events in competitions with others. Neuropsychologia 152: 107733. Kaneko, M., Suzuki, N. ZAIRAICHI [Local Knowledge] of Health Care in Africa and the Potential of Engaged Area Studies, International Workshop on Medical-Zairaichi, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network, Kyoto, Japan, 7 February 2021 (online). Kurata, M. Anthropological Study on the Generation and Transformation of the Lifelong Relationships between Humans and Things, International Research Forum of African Studies: The Role of on-site Research for Innovation & STEM education, Kyoto, Japan, 7-9 February 2021 (online). 増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 上田敬太, 生方志浦, 村井俊哉, 月浦崇, びまん性軸索損傷による未来思考の障害機序, 第32回東北神経心理懇話会, 仙台, 2021年2月6日(オンライン). Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ
松井三枝, 脳損傷患者における認知機能研究, 日本認知心理学会第18回大会, 金沢, 2021年3月4日. (オンライン). Katsumi, Y., Kondo, N., Dolcos, S., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Intrinsic functional network contributions to the relationship between trait empathy and subjective happiness. NeuroImage 227: 117650. Sugimoto, H., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Memory of my victory and your defeat: Contributions of reward- and memory-related regions to the encoding of winning events in competitions with others. Neuropsychologia 152: 107733. Kaneko, M., Suzuki, N. ZAIRAICHI [Local Knowledge] of Health Care in Africa and the Potential of Engaged Area Studies, International Workshop on Medical-Zairaichi, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network, Kyoto, Japan, 7 February 2021 (online). Kurata, M. Anthropological Study on the Generation and Transformation of the Lifelong Relationships between Humans and Things, International Research Forum of African Studies: The Role of on-site Research for Innovation & STEM education, Kyoto, Japan, 7-9 February 2021 (online). 増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 上田敬太, 生方志浦, 村井俊哉, 月浦崇, びまん性軸索損傷による未来思考の障害機序, 第32回東北神経心理懇話会, 仙台, 2021年2月6日(オンライン). Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ
Katsumi, Y., Kondo, N., Dolcos, S., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Intrinsic functional network contributions to the relationship between trait empathy and subjective happiness. NeuroImage 227: 117650. Sugimoto, H., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Memory of my victory and your defeat: Contributions of reward- and memory-related regions to the encoding of winning events in competitions with others. Neuropsychologia 152: 107733. Kaneko, M., Suzuki, N. ZAIRAICHI [Local Knowledge] of Health Care in Africa and the Potential of Engaged Area Studies, International Workshop on Medical-Zairaichi, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network, Kyoto, Japan, 7 February 2021 (online). Kurata, M. Anthropological Study on the Generation and Transformation of the Lifelong Relationships between Humans and Things, International Research Forum of African Studies: The Role of on-site Research for Innovation & STEM education, Kyoto, Japan, 7-9 February 2021 (online). 増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 上田敬太, 生方志浦, 村井俊哉, 月浦崇, びまん性軸索損傷による未来思考の障害機序, 第32回東北神経心理懇話会, 仙台, 2021年2月6日(オンライン). Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ
Sugimoto, H., Dolcos, F., Tsukiura, T. 2021. Memory of my victory and your defeat: Contributions of reward- and memory-related regions to the encoding of winning events in competitions with others. Neuropsychologia 152: 107733. Kaneko, M., Suzuki, N. ZAIRAICHI [Local Knowledge] of Health Care in Africa and the Potential of Engaged Area Studies, International Workshop on Medical-Zairaichi, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network, Kyoto, Japan, 7 February 2021 (online). Kurata, M. Anthropological Study on the Generation and Transformation of the Lifelong Relationships between Humans and Things, International Research Forum of African Studies: The Role of on-site Research for Innovation & STEM education, Kyoto, Japan, 7-9 February 2021 (online). 増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 上田敬太, 生方志浦, 村井俊哉, 月浦崇, びまん性軸索損傷による未来思考の障害機序, 第32回東北神経心理懇話会, 仙台, 2021年2月6日(オンライン). Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ
Kaneko, M., Suzuki, N. ZAIRAICHI [Local Knowledge] of Health Care in Africa and the Potential of Engaged Area Studies, International Workshop on Medical-Zairaichi, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network, Kyoto, Japan, 7 February 2021 (online). Kurata, M. Anthropological Study on the Generation and Transformation of the Lifelong Relationships between Humans and Things, International Research Forum of African Studies: The Role of on-site Research for Innovation & STEM education, Kyoto, Japan, 7-9 February 2021 (online). 増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 上田敬太, 生方志浦, 村井俊哉, 月浦崇, びまん性軸索損傷による未来思考の障害機序, 第32回東北神経心理懇話会, 仙台, 2021年2月6日(オンライン). Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ
Kurata, M. Anthropological Study on the Generation and Transformation of the Lifelong Relationships between Humans and Things, International Research Forum of African Studies: The Role of on-site Research for Innovation & STEM education, Kyoto, Japan, 7-9 February 2021 (online). 増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 上田敬太, 生方志浦, 村井俊哉, 月浦崇, びまん性軸索損傷による未来思考の障害機序, 第32回東北神経心理懇話会, 仙台, 2021年2月6日(オンライン). Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ
増田柚衣, 朴 白順, 上田敬太, 生方志浦, 村井俊哉, 月浦崇, びまん性軸索損傷による未来思考の障害機序, 第32回東北神経心理懇話会, 仙台, 2021年2月6日(オンライン). Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ
Kotegawa, K., Yasumura, A., Teramoto, W. 2021. Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty. Behavioral Brain Research 399: 113046. 重田眞義. 2021. 「エンセーテ」.『世界の食文化百科事典』. 丸善出版, pp.60-61. 投稿ナビゲーション 1 2 次のページ